SCiMMA HOPSKOTCH Software ProjectsHop.SCIMMA is a production instance of HopSkotch run by SCiMMA for the community.
- carries LVK public alerts and other public event streams.
- has a signup portal, here
- has a tutorial on using HOPSKOTCH to connect to the SCiMMA hopskotch production instance.
- supports members of the community applying to publish their own public and private topics
- is supported via a portal and email
- is hosted on the cloud for high availablity
- maintains an archive of all public messages
HOPSKOTCH is a scalable, high-throughput low-latency platform for handling real-time data streams for MMA applications, which:
- provides a cloud-based instance of Kafka data streams to support MMA applications via a publish-subscribe paradigm
- provides “at least once” delivery semantics
- allows catchup if a client is unavailable or needs to reprocess recent alerts
- offers extensive identity and access management controls and fine-grained Kafka topic permission configuration to respect data rights as documented online with the HOPSKOTCH authenticator ≈
hop-client is a Python library to streamline connecting and authenticating to HOPSKOTCH, which:
- is available as a command-line tool and Python API, both installable from PyPI or conda-forge
- offers a customizable application template to allow for easy modification for individual use-cases
- is documented on Read the Docs